An oil sands mine operator in Alberta, Canada was experiencing premature fuel filter plugging. They were seeking added protection from injector issues and potential replacement expenses. They also suspected they were experiencing water contamination in their fuel.

Quick Facts
Client: Oil Sands Mine
Application: Haul Truck
Location: Fort McMurray, Alberta, Canada
Product: Industrial Pro® 692 Tall Dual
Working with the operator, DAVCO initially installed a smaller Industrial Pro® unit. The mine operator saw an increase in their service intervals from 500 to 750 hours with no premature plugging. Seeing the full potential of the service hour increase, DAVCO then installed an Industrial Pro® 692 Tall Dual unit, doubling the maximum fuel flow rate and fuel capacity.
The Industrial Pro® unit in this application featured DAVCO’s Seeing is Believing® clear top bowl and a clear bottom bowl. This patented clear top bowl allows the mine to inspect their fuel for contamination. The clear bottom bowl helps address the operators’ concern about water contamination, providing an easy line of sight to their fuel quality, allowing them to quickly react to water contaminated fuel.
The operator experienced positive results on continued haul truck tests and is reaching and exceeding 1,000-hour service intervals. The mine retrofitted their fleet of haul trucks to Industrial Pro® 692 Tall Dual units as well, further increasing engine protection and savings.
Other benefits they have experienced:
- Doubled service intervals
- Reduced maintenance costs and filter expenses
- Reduced wear and tear on injectors
Based on industry standard service intervals and filter costs, installing an Industrial Pro® 692 Tall Dual can help mine operators reduce maintenance costs.